SOUL School is a 10 week intimate group container that will guide you back to the deepest parts of your authentic and heart-centered self.

This program will allow you move through past traumas with gentleness and compassion, will help you to love and appreciate yourself on a whole new level, and ultimately guide you back to inner sense of safety, power, and freedom.

Through this journey, you will experience DEEP fulfillment, gratitude, and feel incredibly empowered in moving forward in your life with so much purpose!

I’ve crafted this program through my own experience of an inner healing journey and have brought you EVERYTHING I have learned along the way. It is PACKED with wisdom, potency, and life changing transformation.

Hello my sweet love,

If you’re reading this right now, know that your soul and your intuition led you here. And that is powerful. Nothing in life is a coincidence.

If you’re moving through your life right now feeling that there is more in store for you, but you aren’t sure where to begin or how to move forward - know that I’ve been where you are. And also know that healing is possible and a deeply fulfilled life and a bright future full of purpose, abundance, and love are awaiting you.

From my personal experience, life truly begins to feel fuller and more authentic when we acknowledge the things that we’ve been through (and go through) with love, gentleness, and presence.

Maybe you’ve been through some not so ideal circumstances in your past and know that deeper healing and acknowledgment are required in order for you to move forward in your life.

Maybe you’re tired of beating yourself up and are craving a healthier and more connected relationship with yourself and your body.

Maybe you’re craving deeper, and more connected relationships with others… True intimacy.

Maybe you’re thinking “What the heck is my purpose?? Why am I here and where do I even begin in finding that out?”

And at your core - you truly just want to connect to that inner guiding light of yours so you can feel empowered in your decision making at ALL times! You know your intuition is in there, it’s just not always clear to you.

If you’re looking to heal from trauma, step into your personal power, connect to your body, open your heart, and find a deeper connection to yourself, to others, and to the world around you then look no further - SOUL School is for you.

And I am SO glad you’re here.


Hi angel! I am beyond excited to have you here. There are no mistakes or coincidences in life, know that if you’re reading this right now - it’s your soul speaking to you and it’s for a grand reason :)I’m Aimee! I’m a Women’s Empowerment Coach, Spiritual Mentor, and Certified Yoga Instructor. Mindfulness, self-compassion, and embodiment are at the root of everything I do and teach because they are what saved me. Years ago, I struggled with a severe eating disorder and had an extremely distorted relationship to my body, to food, and to exercise. I would put myself down day in and day out, I would hardly ever let myself rest, and my whole nervous system was basically in constant fight or flight. I wasn’t connected to myself at all and because of this, it left me incredibly disconnected from others. Connection is now a HUGE core value of mine and my life feels deeply fulfilling because I have such a connected relationship with myself AND such deep relationships with others. I healed myself by finding a supportive community of women to be around (we can’t heal alone as we are wired for connection) and by finding mindfulness, meditation, and yoga. This is why I’m SO big on teaching mindful movement, as we also heal by connecting to our bodies and learning how to live from a heart centered place - getting out of the head (and constant mind chatter) and into the body will undoubtedly change the trajectory of your life.

Hi beautiful!! I’m Aimee :) I’m a Women’s Empowerment Coach/Mentor, Spiritual Guide, and Healer. I am also a Certified Yoga Instructor so connection to the body is deeply important to me. Mindfulness, self-compassion, and embodiment are at the root of everything I do and teach/guide others on because they are truly what saved me.

Years ago, I struggled with a severe eating disorder and had an extremely distorted relationship to my body, to food, and to exercise. I used to be incredibly hard on myself… I dealt with major anxiety, I would hardly ever let myself rest, and my whole nervous system was in constant fight or flight. I was incredibly disconnected from myself and because of this, it left me incredibly disconnected from others.

Though at the root of that, I was craving SO much more from life. So I decided to follow a passion of mine which was yoga - this small act quickly led me down a path of DEEP healing, rapid spiritual evolvement, and allowed me to work through so much internal conflict and ultimately was the catalyst for me finding my own inner power and safety a couple years later.

Having coaches, mentors, and healers completely changed my life, which is why I’m so passionate about being that support for others to lean on. I also would not be where I currently am if I hadn't learned how to connect to my body on a deeper level, come into my heart, and heal my nervous system. In working together - you can always expect me to incorporate this work in our time together. Getting out of your head and INTO your body will undoubtedly change the trajectory of your life.

I am so excited for your journey and am elated to connect with you on a deeper level!

SOUL School is for you if:

-You have a tendency to be hard on yourself and where you’re at, but want to find more self compassion and lean into loving self all the time.

-You’re craving a deeper connection to your soul, your body, and your intuition

-There are things from your past you’ve been through that you know could use some acknowledgement and love so that you can release them and move forward.

-You’re wanting to learn tools to help with healing anxiety and trauma that will allow your nervous system to settle and relax.

-You’re ready to step into your authentic self and be UNAPOLOGETICALLY you no matter what - hello magnetism!!!

-You’re wanting more depth and honesty in your relationships and life

-You know you have a deeper purpose in life and are ready to explore what that is!

-You’re ready to cultivate new healthy habits and stop holding yourself back

-Above all, you are SO ready to do the inner work and step into the embodied version of yourself that you envision but feel like you just need some guidance and support

*To note: This is a intimate group program (the container will be kept small with a handful of women). Group work is POWERFUL and incredibly potent - deep healing happens when we can be witnessed by others. However if groups aren’t your thing there is still opportunity to do this program 1:1 with Aimee.

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The transformation

Remember this - EVERYTHING in your life begins with you. We must shift INTERNALLY in order to shift things EXTERNALLY.

SOUL School leans into combing the emotional/energetic inner work with the physical/practical steps to get you to where you want to be. This is how healing takes place and true, lasting change can occur in your life!

THE BREAKDOWN - what we’ll cover:

*The following modules include these topics AND more


•your foundational relationship with you, the power of your language, your habits, mindfulness tools


•Embodiment, intuition, connecting to your heart, and your body's sacred wisdom


•Learning to regulate the nervous system


•Acknowledgement, healing, and holding her with love and compassion


•Learning to let go with love and taking your power back


•Putting yourself first and honoring your sacred NO


•Learning your values, your desires, and what you LOVE

Each week will be accompanied with resources to assist you in your journey! These will include guided meditations, EFT tapping videos, yoga flows, and journal prompts to allow for deeper self reflection and growth.

This will be the very journey that will bring you back home to your truest self.

What’s on the other side?

  • An immense amount of love and appreciation for Self and allowing self-compassion be the guiding force of your life

  • Deeper awareness of your behaviors / how to lean into more supportive habits

  • Knowing your inner intuitive voice and trusting it with confidence

  • A settled, healed, and regulated nervous system

  • DEEP connection to your body’s wisdom

  • Love and openness in your heart for yourself and for others

  • A sense of internal safety (no more looking for it in anyone or anything else!)

  • Feeling FULLY in your power

  • Fulfillment in your life as you lean into your deeper purpose for being here

  • Mindfulness/spiritual practices that allow you to deal with the stressors of life in a healthy and present way

  • Community of like minded women to grow and heal with

  • Knowledge of somatic work and embodiment practices

What Client’s Are Saying

  • Kinzie H.

    “Aimee is an extraordinary person - I have been receiving services from her for the past 6 months and I could not be more grateful I hired her. She has such positive energy, and is always encouraging and supportive. Her deep insightful questions help me see things in a new way - she is by far the best coach I’ve ever had. She has helped me heal so much. You will not regret hiring her to help your on your path. She is a life changing person.”

  • Paulina B.

    I have been working with Aimee for over a year, but she’s one of those people that you feel like you’ve known for a lot longer. She brings light, laughter, and most importantly the substance of education. I always find myself carrying the mindfulness that Aimee teaches me with me through out my days. She’s made such a difference in my life and I’m grateful to have her guidance. From the moment we connected, I knew she really cared about others and genuinely wanted to share her gifts with the world to make a difference. I feel like someone up there was really looking after me by bringing Aimee to me. She is truly the best.

  • Ariana

    “Aimee is deeply intuitive, grounding, empathetic, and capable of leading you where you need to go. I felt so supported and held in my time with her, so much came up that I needed to hear. She will give you practical resources and leaves you feeling empowered and ready to take on whatever is challenging you. So grateful for her open heart and willingness to be a safe space for all!”

  • Gabby

    My time working with Aimee felt very comfortable and I felt that I can truly open up because of how understanding she is. During our call she made me realize that I needed to create a safe space within. I followed her advice and I can 100% vouch for her amazing words because once I took those steps, I felt amazing and even more whole! If you’re looking to help or someone to talk to for support and growth she is definitely at the top of my list.

  • Anonymous

    Aimee held such a beautiful safe space for us all to open and share our feelings. After her workshop I left feeling very connected to myself. Highly recommend working with Aimee if you are looking to move through your life with more ease & flow!

  • Nagi K.

    “It’s very rare that you meet someone whose compassion for others transcends her own self. Aimee is a perfect example for that. She is a force of nature to learn from and grow with. If you are willing to put the work in on yourself, hiring Aimee will change your life as it has mine. I could not recommend her services more.”

What’s included?

•2 one-on-one 30min coaching calls with Aimee

•10 weekly 75-90min group coaching calls

•A video lesson each week accompanied with additional tools for energy healing on that given topic

•Weekly reflection prompts & assignments

•Resource library full of yoga flows, guided meditations, and breathing exercises to help you find a deeper connection within

•Community of like minded women (this is HUGE for healing - we’ll be in a group chat together for the duration on the container!)

•A super fun and communal graduation ceremony and visioning party!

•Consistent accountability and support from Aimee!

*Ability to add on unlimited weekly individual support using Voxer at additional cost

If there is a little pull in your heart that SOUL School is for you, but you still have some questions then schedule a complimentary Connection Call with Aimee to see if it’s is a good fit!

Photos by: Cynthia Alex